My free software and open source activities of March 2018

Questo articolo è stato scritto oltre 1 years, il contenuto potrebbe essere datato.

A new month with many things, to read the previous report go here.


This months was very busy with a lot of pull request:

    •, for the Mozilla Reps Portal I made 14 pull requests
    • Revamped a pr for GlotPress

I opened 11 issues and closed 9 on different projects:

My projects

This month was not busy on my projects:


I am working for Reps Council on Q1 OKR for Onboarding Screening team and helped to cleanup incomplete application and also to the portal, to find more about it

To find other activities you can see on

Joined the Merge_it with Mozilla Italia community and the report is https://daniele.tech2018/03/merge-it-2018-i-was-there/.

Planning an event in Rieti about privacy for April.

I written also one of the most famous post of my blog on the 3 edition https://daniele.tech2018/03/my-extensions-firefox-and-thunderbird-2018/.

I am candidate again to the Mozilla Reps Council for the 2 year in a row.


This month we made 3 meetings of core-help in the Italian community and 2 of the GlotPress project on the international community.

I worked also on the How-To repo of the Italian community helping others on Git.


Joined the Merge-IT (above).

Industria Italiana del Software Libero

We joined the Merge-IT and I was elected as new president of the association.

Already started with a plan and ready for the first call of the new council in the next weeks to start to think to 2018-2020.


Now si pointing to but my idea is to switch the domains.

The first stickers of a personal projects

My loveable community

My superhero community

Little improvement on my desk

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