I’m an open source evangelist and lover of this philosophy and Mozilla is a perfect community for the involvement of people like me.
My name is inside the Mozilla Credits and also in the monument outside their offices:
In January 2013 I attended to Firefox OS App Days Rome and I won a Geeksphone Keon. After this spectacular event I decided that I would become a volunteer Mozilla really active in more areas possible.
In June 2013 I become an app reviewer in trial. I do not pass the approval for my English (I hope that today has improved) and decide to participate on Mozilla Italia forum.
In October 2013 I participate as a speaker about Firefox OS in the Linux Day at Rome (in Italian) and in November 2013 are contacted by the Italian mozillians involved in the Italian launch of Firefox OS as Firefox OS Training Lead for Italy.
In 2014 I take this role very seriously and participate as a speaker in several events and as developer I’ve written Ringtone Picker for Firefox OS (over 52000+ installation), Moz-Polyfill , Brickly (interactive demo for Mozilla Brick), Mozilla Presentation Boilerplate, participated in the development of the Firefox OS Boilerplate and Building Blocks.
I’ve helped for the port of the Firefox OS Boilerplate in Dart, RuneAudio support for the Open Web App, to new features on WordPress Promote MDN plugin as a new maintainer, created Firefox OS Bookmark for WordPress that add the support of Open Web app in a WordPress site.
I translated the Firefox OS Quick Guide in Italian with the help of the Italian community with new chapters (actually only in the Italian version), helped new Italian volunteers to develop their first apps for Firefox OS and join the Mozilla’s community.
I was selected as a contributor of the month of September 2014 for the Marketplace.
I’ve joined the Web Compat Italy Team and modified the screenshot tool, helped the Card Generator Tool and participated to Apps on Flame Program and Tablet Contributor Program.
In 2015 I become Mozilla Reps for Italy, also I started Youtube Channel where I talked about Mozilla and Firefox OS in Italian.
In 2016 I started to contribute on reps.mozilla.org and other Mozilla web projects, I become also a Mozilla Tech Speaker.
I was coordinator for the Reps Regional Coach initiative and a Mozilla Campus Club Regional Coordinator.
In 2017 I started to contribute on mozillians.org, created the Mozilla Club Rieti, got elected on Mozilla Reps Council.
In 2017, I was elected as Mozilla Reps Council member, started to contribute on mozillians.org and developed few Firefox browser extensions.
In 2018, I started to code a lot on reps.mozilla.org, got elected again on the Mozilla Reps Council again and helped on the launch of Common Voice for Italian. My Firefox extension Share Backported was in June the featured extension in the addons portal.
In 2019, I left after 2 years the Mozilla Reps council, leaded the DeepSpeech for Italian model and helped on growing Common Voice for Italian.
I wrote also a free book about my experience contributing in Mozilla and started few public discussions:
- About gratification for volunteers in Mozilla
- About regional local community management in Mozilla
- About the Volunteer role in the Mozilla workflow decision chain
In 2020, I started contributing with my expertise for advice for the Community Portal that is built with WordPress, a talk at Fosdem 2020 about the Italian experience to generate the model and what we did, joined my 7th Mozilla All Hands.
In 2021 my name is added on the about:credits page of Firefox and Mozilla website but still working on the community management and also doing shipments of gadgets. I also started maintain the Mozilla Community Portal.
On 2023 the Mozilla Reps program was retired and also my participation on that.
Finally, I (sometimes) write about Mozilla, Open Source and other in this site in Italian and English. In this other website I publish all my slides as GPL.
For the future? Work on grow my Italian community and improve the awareness about open source, privacy and human power to change the world in front of a laptop.
Check my Mozillian profile for other info and reference.