
As you can see on my About or Mozillian pages I have a long experience as speaker. I started in 2013 on an Italian Linux Day and after that I improved my skills and knowledge. My philosophy is: “Every talk require a personal experience on the topic of different months for a serious explanation”.

I maintain a list of my talks in Italian or English with videos and slide on GitHub.

Also I like to write reports of events where I am a speaker, to remember me what I learned, what I con do better to improve my knowledge!

This is the Fosdem 2017 where I am talking about browser extensions in Brussels.

I love to do talks about Mozilla and WordPress, like about development but also as example how to contribute in many areas (like coaching for communities) or about open source philosophy or other technologies. I am always open for new ideas for talks, indeed I maintain an open repository for suggestions.


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Daniele Scasciafratte, an Italian skilled developer with experiences on community building, development and localization on open source projects.

Short Bio

Daniele Scasciafratte sometimes called Open Source Multiversal Guy.

During the office hours he should work in his web agency, Codeat in Rome, and in the rest of the day collaborate in many open source projects for fun.

Medium Bio

Daniele Scasciafratte, the Open Source Multiversal guy, is a co-founder of his web agency Codeat in Rome.
In the WordPress world was a Core Contributor, creator of GlotDict and WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered and co-maintainer of VVV.
It is a long time volunteer in the Mozilla community, former Mozilla Rep (former Reps Council member) and former Mozilla TechSpeakers.
Part of the council of association Italian Linux Society since 2021.



Often outside the Italy people get surprise that I talk so much (also outside the talk itself) but because it is in my DNA of a pure gesture speaker to talk a lot, especially when the topics are stuff where I care so much like the open source world.

In the 2016 I experienced for the first time to do talk not only about development but also how to join and improve a community or recruit easily volunteers and other stuff that are participation in a community.

On 2017 I experienced for the first time to talk in big international conference like FOSDEM and get in touch with other ideas about my personal experience for new talks.

As part of my speaking experience in 2019 I wrote a free book about my Contributor experience in open source.