WebSummit Lisboa 2016 – I was there

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In December 2015 Eugenio asks me to participate in a lottery for tickets to the WebSummit.

The lottery was based on GitHub and requiring access through the profile and I did not expect to win two tickets to an event that I had never heard before.

The WebSummit is a dedicated event for startups mainly, not much about technology but to show what they do to the rest of the industry.

50,000 people with 3,000 volunteers for a three-day event with a dedicated app to get in touch via chat with other participants give the idea that it was a completely different conference than those who I usually attend.

The booth were not interesting if not for the people of the environment even though there were large companies such as VMWare or WPengine who were the few that I could recognize.

So I was a fish in the wrong aquarium.

Fortunately I was with Eugenio who suggested some talks to follow.

The first day of the event we met a startup (Sabres Security) that deals with security for WordPress then a photo was a must.

The first day I was able to follow a very interesting talk designed for managers who have to deal with developers.

The approach was to think that developers who are like the other members of the company and are part of the team and therefore should be treated in that way.

This impressed me, they recognize the fact that we are not only keyboard monkeys but people who can express themselves artistically. Sure artistically in their area by finding new solutions.

I could see live the co-founder of reddit and admire the center stages with its scenery, I would say huge.

I followed the interview with the bishop who took the pope on twitter, and it is his approach was very interesting. In short, the evangelic message should reach people even with the new tools and search for a contact with people in a more modern way.

He could not miss a photo in one of the various installations of the city WebSummit.

The talk of the founder of F-Secure has been interesting and concerned the security of the software.

The phrase that struck me the most the fact that now every company is a software company because uses it in many parts of his workflow or his business would not have a future. So now the software can no longer be relegated to a part of the process but it must be relevant in the global plan.

I could feel the Perl creator Larry Wall that has proven a movie character

One must admit that the last day to the last talk of the track for developers was a bit ‘of people to hear Stallman

What I come back to home from WebSummit?

First of all that as a place to do promotion to an audience that is not developer, but for people interested in internet stuff is perfect.

It would be very interesting for Mozilla have a stand in which shows the new technologies where is working and to begin to reassert itself on internet after the flop of Firefox OS.

The way to do the interviews I hated very much, I would have preferred to have the talk where various speakers could have been put to the test with their points of view and not with the interviewers that no one knew what they would ask.

Seeing live the startup world has made me leap to mind the moments of the TV series Silicon Valley.

For my work as developer he did not bring much if no new ideas for projects and I think this is very important.

Also to be considered the fact of having participated in an event outside of my usual type reminding me that there are not only conference for developers but also for users and for those who do business with the Internet.

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