Mozilla Tech Speaker Meetup & European Gathering in Berlin

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Last weekend has really been full of activities and meetings in the city of Berlin.

9 and 10 September I attended the global meetup of Mozilla Tech Speakers with the participation from around the world of 26 people.

The program of this meetup was highly educational, with a very busy schedule.

For this meeting we each had to prepare a short speech as a Tech Speaker theme of 5 minutes without slides and in the past months we have been able to practice in improving this little speech.

My theme was WebExtensions that you can find here.

After this speech there were another ten minutes dedicated to the exchange of feedback and suggestions from all the other tech speakers and from the coacher in teaching speaking.

So for two mornings we could listen each other to exchange tips and more. This way we got to know each other better, but we also improved our knowledge.

On the afternoon of 9 we went to visit the Mozilla office in Berlin where we could get some news in advance of new technologies in development.

These included news about Rust and Servo (on the various components and the future), the addon in Firefox, migrating , news about security in Firefox (Containers, sandbox and Observatory).

The second afternoon we worked on how to write a biography in three versions (very short, short and long) and then preparing a talk in an half an hour in groups.

My group had as its theme TechSpeaker and with rock, paper scissors I lost and I had to talk for two minutes about that.

The evenings were rather different we went to a different restaurant every night where we chatted so much.

Simultaneously in those days there were the elections for the new council for the Reps program, among the candidates there was me and Elio, another Tech Speaker, then could not miss a themed pictures.

In conclusion it has been an experience that I did not for some time. Having the opportunity to learn from others and to exchange their views in a public way is really strange but it is very powerful. This created in two days a friendships that usually take years and at the same time to learn much.

I’m waiting that the videos will be loaded, because our speeches were filmed for our use, to be able to look mine but also to revise some others in order to improve my notes.

Some of the advice I received are already on my How to be a Tech Speaker from which I am realizing a talk “How to do to Talk”.

I would also emphasize the affirmation of Denise about the fact of not being American but now I will explain.

When I made my speech I gestured as a classic Italian guy. Other Tech Speaker who were still during the conversation with the arms and the torso was told to move because it will demonstrate that you are natural and that you are convinced of what you are saying in addition to best send your message.
My thought in the past is that when I presented a projects in English to a diverse audience someone bothered me for the gestures but instead is important. At the same time not to worry about not being native speakers of English, because after all you are talking to a language that is not yours and that we must not simulate the way they do on talk of English language speakers for the same reason.

One of the tips that I have to put it into practice is a screen recording of my talk. You can not always have your own video of the talk then one of the solutions is to record your screen with the microphone in order to have at least one version of your talk. Now I’m studying for a Linux solution.

The TechSpeaker program teaches not only to be a talk speaker but to improve your public speaking skills to be able to share your knowledge.

The last day I attended the Mozilla European Gathering of which I missed the first day because busy with Tech Speaker meetup.

The gathering is a meeting of several days with some reference persons of the community to coordinate among ourselves.

In this case was European and as Italian representative as there were four.

The alread defined program is very important because the meeting is organized and directed by the Participation Team. The first day is devoted to know each of us and share our experiences.

The second one is to stay current with the Mozilla activities designed as a news than as campaigns to make.

We started talking about the RepsNext and its news.

Then it was presented the new student program that is still top secret in pending for official news.

The Vaani project is one of the most interesting and I think opens up many possibilities for its promotion within the Italian universities because of its complexity.

Then there was a talk about Rust and how to promote it and organize meetups.

This talk has allowed me to ask some questions and learn more about how to promote it.

In the afternoon there is the introduction about the copyright campaign for us Europeans that we should take action on our countries.

For further information, there is but we are trying to do different events to raise awareness.

From what I could see is the first time that it organized a meeting of several days to regions where communities receive updates and coordination for replication in their countries.

This type of event allows you to learn the organizational methodologies to be used in the community in its activities but also to join forces between countries.

Also see live other European will allow us to organize the online meetings in order to plan together what to do and exchange ideas. Do not forget that a live contact is very important.

The Participation Team has done an excellent job and I hope that this event will become annual.

He could not miss the group photo!

In conclusion, apart from the hot of Berlin, this weekend was very important to be able to learn and decide many things to do in the coming months.

Meet everyone is very important because it is not easy to bring together all these people but these events show that it is possible to do!

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